
Ever since its foundation in 1892 (Meiji 25) our company has been involved in furnaces.
At the time of our foundation, we were a furnace building contractor, but with the changes and demands of the times,
we continued to take on the challenges of constructing melting furnaces in various fields, in particular, in glass making, and at the same time we developed our original technologies and secured a firm position in business.
Today, we continue evolving with the aim of becoming a “comprehensive furnace plant engineering company” that can handle an even wider variety of melting plants.
We take pride in our employees, who are not only our human resources, but our treasures as well.Having been holding the baton of technological knowledge handed over by our predecessors for more than 100 years, all our employees strive to meet the needs of our customers, and with the motto “No border in technology” we aim to be a company that contributes to creating of a sustainable society.
All of our employees, while continuing to keep the spirit of manufacturing and good service, will work together to grow into a company that is loved throughout the ages. We greatly appreciate your continued support and encouragement.
Company president Shogo Ihara
Company policy

Loving the company,
being connected to each other through love and trust,
treating our customers with the spirit of service and continuing wholesome development
based on trust and goodwill,
we strive to be
sincere people and a sincere company doing sincere work.